May 21st Webinar

THURSDAY, MAY21ST, 2020 11:00AM-12:00PM ET

COST: $125 PER REGISTRANT - (There is no CLE credit for these webinars.)

This is a must-see session for employment law compliance. From workplace discrimination, to First Amendment decisions, to recent laws stemming from the Covid- 19 pandemic, the employment law docket has been very active over the past year. HR practices and policies may need to be reviewed and updated as a result.

This session will provide an update of the various employment law decisions from courts and administrative agencies and explain how they impact public employers. This session will also provide a review of employment law legislation and discuss the implications on HR compliance.

Brad Bennett, Bricker & Eckler LLP
Brad represents public and private sector employers in all aspects of labor and employment law. Brad defends employers in state and federal courts and before various administrative agencies, including the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Ohio Civil Rights Commission (OCRC). In addition to his litigation practice, Brad represents public sector employers in collective bargaining, grievance arbitrations, impasse proceedings and before the State Employment Relations Board (SERB). Additionally, Brad has drafted civil service rules for municipalities, represents public sector employers before the State Personnel Board of Review (SPBR), and counsels public employers regarding compliance with Ohio’s Open Meetings Act and Public Records Act. Brad is certified as a Specialist in Labor and Employment Law by the Ohio State Bar Association. Brad has been selected as one of the “Best Lawyers in America – Employment Law” and is listed to “Ohio Super Lawyers” recognizing him for his outstanding work in the areas of Labor and Employment Law and Litigation.

Complimentary power point slides will be provided to the attendees. TO REGISTER: email the registration form to CYNDIE, at, and copy, or mail it to the OMAA/OML offices (Please mail your $125 check, made out to the OMAA, to the OMAA/OML offices: 175 S. Third St., Suite 510, Columbus, OH 43215.)

Registrants are encouraged to set up for the webinar in a conference room, with a speaker phone and a computer screen, and to invite other city officials to attend. Registrants are encouraged to notify us of the number of participants attending the webinar and if any are from other communities. (This is for our records, only).

We realize that most people will access this webinar from their homes. There is no limit to the number of attendees from each community. The $125 charge is per city/village, no matter how many individuals participate separately. Just let me know the email addresses of those who wish to participate.